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What we do

What we do

UNFPA work in Swaziland

UNFPA support to the Government of Swaziland is aligned to the Government/United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the 6th Country Programme (2016 - 2020). Through partnerships with the Government of Swaziland, UN agencies, civil society and private sector partners, UNFPA works to make a positive change in four (4) outcome areas. 

Outcome 1: Increased availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning, maternal health and HIV).

Outcome 2: Increased priority on adolescents, especially on very young adolescent girls, in national development policies and programmes, particularly increased availability of comprehensive life skills education and reproductive health services.

Outcome 3: Advanced gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment, and reproductive rights, including for the most vulnerable and marginalized women, adolescents and youth.

Outcome 4: Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality.

How we work

Three primary strategies guide our work, support and partnerships to our key outcome areas. 

Advocacy and policy dialogue – promotion and incorporation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and GBV prevention and response measures into national development plans, policies and budgets as well as evidence based advocacy for increased investment in young people. 

Knowledge generation & management – generation, analysis, use and sharing of research-based data that is intended to improve policies and programmes in UNFPA key areas of focus.

Capacity development –strengthening, creation, adaptation and maintenance of skills, resources and knowledge for the achievement of development results in UNFPA key mandate areas. 

Who we work with

The Government of Swaziland:

  • Ministry of Economic Planning & Development
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Education & Training
  • Ministry of Sports, Youth & Culture
  • Deputy Prime Minister’s Office

Civl society organisations: 

  • Family Life Association of Swaziland (FLAS)
  • Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA)