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Eswatini has been one of the countries implementing the joint programme since February 2022 until 2024 with a total funding of US$600,000. The focus of the programme was on strengthening the inclusion and coordination of disability issues in Eswatini. The programme seeks to support Government, OPDs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in advancing the CRPD by strengthening disability-inclusive accountability and governance, advancement of Equality and Non-discrimination and CRPD-compliant Budgeting and Financial management approaches. It further contributed to the operationalization of the Persons with Disability Act of 2018 and strengthened national disability coordination systems. It addressed the preconditions on equality and non-discrimination and accountability and governance; as well as of CRPD compliant programming, budgeting, and financial management.

Against this background, a programme evaluation is being conducted to assess the achievements of the joint programme and its overall contribution to advancing the CRPD
implementation in Eswatini.